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Valuable Infographics Show when to Post on Social Media (and when not to)

Check out these valuable infographics by SumAll which illustrate the best times to post on various social media platforms, as well as when not to. Social media represented include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google+.

Here is the full story:

This Friday, November 1st, Amazon Will Start Collecting Massachusetts Sales Tax

It was announced late last year, and unfortunately for Massachusetts residents, it will begin later this week. Namely, the deal struck between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and online retailer Amazon.com last December by which Amazon will begin collecting the Massachusetts' 6.25% state sales tax, will go into effect this Friday, November 1st. So, only a few days remain for tax-free shopping on Amazon.

The deal will be in place just in time for the upcoming holiday shopping season. Massachusetts anticipates they will be able to collect over 36 million dollars in revenue during the 2014 fiscal year due to Amazon collecting sales tax. 

More information can be found here:


and here:


Why It Can Be Difficult to Move Up One Spot in Search Engine Results

Interesting article on why it can be difficult to move up even one spot in search engine results. Includes images of possible point system that could go along with search engine results:


Scheduling Tweets

Twitter is now allowing advertisers to schedule tweets in advance:


It is also possible to schedule tweets in advance using outside products. This has been possible for some time, preceding Twitter's recent announcement. This article will let you know about some of the additonal products that you can use to schedule Tweets:


How to Size Your Facebook Profile Photo Correctly

You'd think getting a photo to work correctly as the profile photo for use in a Facebook personal account or business page would be easy, but unfortunately, it's not! You can spend a lot of time trying to get it to work. Here's a good article on how to get it to work correctly:

How to Size Your Facebook Profile Photo